-So, it is true, a new stream as I live and breath...-
Most likely what many ppl thought last week when they got the msg I was streaming. Sadly, I forgot to press that elusive "record" button so... Nothing lost anyways, it was random shitty art stuff stream, not spacEscape related.
That being said, I would like to ask something:
So, follower ones, how does the idea of doing a marathon stream, strike you?
Most likely day: Sunday, not this next one, mind you, I have to get things ready, make sure no one in my house bothers me, having food ready, etc etc. Starting early in the morning, and probably finish not too late in the night.
The goal being going through my old to do list and see how much can I get done.
I for one, am all for it, but I must ask, because it would be nice to have ppl actually watching, I mean, I'm not asking anyone to be there the whole time, but if I would be left alone with no viewers for like 2 hours straight, I might end the thing right there.
Now, I know the vast majority of ppl following the blog will say "yes, do it!", only because they want me to put my lazy ass to work, so even if this might be pointless, I'll ask those to not say anything, only comment if you actually planning of watching some part of the damn thing. (reasons explained paragraph above)
So, nothing more to say, I'll go and be lazy now.
Huh, for some reason, I struggled to coming out with new hairstyles, maybe because I'm so used to the regular one? And no, I'm not planning to change it, or do I?...