miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

Progreso/Progress Update

Las CG para los créditos van viento en popa, ya termine 1, otra ya está el sketch, y otra ya tengo el entintado, en total serán unas 6, por lo demás no he hecho progreso, pero estoy avanzando.
Aquí les dejo el que acabé, y que será el último que suba para no spoilorear más de la cuenta.


The credits CG's are going pretty well, I have pretty much almost half of them, they will be 6 I think, one it's complete, the other has the sketch, and the other is already inked, for the rest of the updates, I haven't done much, but nonetheless, I'm advancing.
Here I'll leave the CG that is done, and it will be the last I upload to avoid further spoilers.


14 comentarios:

  1. Se ve genial,el color y todo llama la atención.

  2. Excellent! Thanks for keeping up posted! I know we all appreciate it!

    1. yea glad to know the game hasn't been dropped, it looks good so far and can't wait to see where it goes! Good luck man

  3. That's a pretty awesome pic, kudos! Looking forward to the next update

  4. A mi me pasa lo mismo.
    Es una buena idea.

  5. Después de investigar un poco e intentar 2 que 3 cosillas, todo parece indicar que al menos por medios convencionales no se puede elegir a voluntad donde se guarda el archivo de datos.
    Lo que les queda es respaldarlo, sólo busquen el archivo "mitsukoX.sol" en su disco duro, y guarden la ruta para que sepan donde ponerlo despúes.

  6. I'm back! <3

    Wow, everything's looking great. Nice to see how well everything's going Uriel. I've just DL'ed the latest version, I'll send report about what I find. Good luck!

  7. Simply amazing, the new music, voice, and other effects are superb. The only issue I see so far is the opening cinematic with the space ship, some of the scenes have this bright green dot to the upper left, from the middle. It looks like a burnt pixel from the screen.

    P.S. Playing now, will report more soon. :3 (Using Demo version)

  8. White text on loading screens should have a different color, or atleast a black boarder
    Text onloading screens should be intergrated onto the image, and placed on blank-space on the picture, not over the picture itself

    Numberals and numbers aren't properly fitting to their placements. (Screenshot)

    The game sometimes autosaves (slot 1) the moment you login onto a Save Computer (I suppose it's a good thing? Nice work if it's intentional!)

    While in the air, when Mitsuko's legs are together, you cannot double-jump. I think it would be best that when her legs are together, it can be used as an indication that she's reached the highest she can jump, in which double jumping would be most efficient and gain maximum height.

    Skillups are still largely unbalanced.

  9. Respuestas
    1. That's because you are not installing the fonts I included on the Fonts folder.

    2. That's because you are not installing the fonts I included on the Fonts folder.

  10. Creo que ya es pedir mucho xD
    aunque un codigo para desbloquear la galeria no estaria mal


Entrada destacada

Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....