Well, I gotta say I was very surprised and happy to see all the comments on the last entry, so many opinions and different points of views. I was beginning to think no one ever looked at this blog ;) Anyway, thank you so much for all the participation, it really helps. One thing no one commented about though was about the text (the legend and the bubble talk), do you think it's good? cheesy? bad? Btw, no, the chibi animations won't make it to the game, I think it would attract the wrong attention, child porn is becoming a very sensitive topic these days, and I don't think the game being associated with it (even when it's not loli, but I can see how ppl would mistake it) won't help in any way, plus, if I wanted it to be that way, I would have done it from the start...I guess I'll save those for a separate game, most likely a spin off, though I think no one would like to play it XP Still I'm gonna do it, don't think I won't, it don't make me no difference :)
Well, tell me on the comments how do you feel about the text, and I'll see you later.
Well, tell me on the comments how do you feel about the text, and I'll see you later.
It actually looks really nice, and the color combinations are good, it's pretty cool
ResponderEliminarYeah keep the text if it does not cover up the cg.
ResponderEliminarText wise, I'd love to see a list of different fonts, the architecture of the looks of words greatly effects mood, and pacing of many things in the subconscious.
ResponderEliminarThe color scheme is fine. It is easy to read, purple over white looks good in the setting.
The, "In space, no one will hear you moan...," needs to stay, it's pretty much coined to the game, a sub logo if you will.
Not sure what to think of Mitsuko's choice of words in the speech bubble. In a way, it breaks the fourth wall by acknowledging the game, but that's probably me just being anal.
The pink text kinda makes me think, that's kinda an erotic color, it fits as you become a sex slave for the rest of your life
ResponderEliminarThe text is good. Especially the hearts as that better convey's her mood which is a more unique focus this game has.
ResponderEliminarAs for chibi animations, though better I agree that they are out of place here. They are really amazing though and I'd like the chance to assist on that future project -^_^-
I've...been commenting in the suggestion box...I JUST noticed the fact individual posts have comments...my bad...ehehehehehe....
ResponderEliminaranyway, keep away from breaking the fourth wall, but otherwise, I think it all works really well, though I do agree with FuzzFace's idea of using different fonts to convey different moods!
Oh! that's what he meant by fonts? I-I mean, I already knew that...*ajem* ^_^'
EliminarI know an example of a good SEXY font, like using hearts for the " i " dot or the circle and stuff... like this crappy game: http://www.funny-games.biz/sf-daily-fantasies-2.html has a great font for her talking.
EliminarI think you already had a lot of followers, I look at your blog literally a couple times a week even if there's a monthly update xD since this is really like the first indie game I really liked ^-^ this and 3 of the cherry poi games... but those look like they're never gonna come back .-.
ResponderEliminarbut yeah, definitely keep text, and keep it pink, but as for what exactly it should say, I really don't know. I personally don't care but the mmm game over is a maybe, could use a change if there's anything better but if not, I don't mind :) it's better than most games I've seen tbh.
Yeah, I myself am still hoping he would get to do his new one where it looked like it would have a battle fuck system, really like his games, they look so silly and consensual :P
EliminarI love them ;w; It was a little unique and the sex animations/art is hot as fuck, I want to see zurine and mecha girl naked fucking all the monsters, but unfortunately it's only zoorine that can do that, but yeah.. they all have good stuff. I wanna see more girls and updates to those 3, will it ever happen? probably not, I'm afraid the guy is either dead or cancelled the projects ;_; hope nothing goes wrong with this game like those though, I'm looking forward to it :3 and I will share it around xD
EliminarPor ahi cambiando el color quedaria mejorm ese violeta es muy...expresivo xD
ResponderEliminarUsar colores para denotar la emoci´´on no es mala idea, así como blanco para normal, rojo enojada o así.
EliminarI would love to play any chibi Mitsuko game you make Uriel! Instead of "nobody would play that game" think of it as "not as many people would play that game" since that sounds more positive. :P
ResponderEliminarI agree with anime, I would love to see a chibi mitsuko game. maybe you could do it as a promo or sequel for your current one or something
ResponderEliminarabout the talking bubble, well what could you do wrong with this text? She has a mouth full of dick xD
ResponderEliminarHowever you´ve succesfully inplemented the game´s motto really nicely! and the info-text i like <3
The text is fine. However, give the option to hit a button to remove the text, or just include the text-less version in the Gallery.
ResponderEliminarIts fine ,i enjoy so much ur game i dont rlly care xD
ResponderEliminarOk :P
EliminarOr you could make it look like random symbols that look like letters, so the player can improvise and allow them to think what it means. I can read a whole lot of Japanese on a comic book and not understand any language, instead, I can make up what they say. you could potentially apply the same logic as to what Mitsuko says in the bubble.
ResponderEliminarLoli isn't child- ah screw it, im not even going to bother any-more, if i say anything i'll just called called a fucking pedo like usual
ResponderEliminarWe have a say here in México: "Don't do good things that look like bad things, and don't do bad things that look like good things", so better better not do loli (in this case I think it's more like a midget, but meh) things that look like child porn XP
EliminarPara mi el texto esta bien, aunque recomiendo (como dicen por ahi) que pongas algun boton para esconder el texto, asi le darias gusto a todos y no habria mas peros. Algo que no me cuadra es que ella diga "game over", es decir, si ya se "resigno" a terminar como una esclava sexual o algo asi, el texto deveria decir otra cosa, nose gemidos o gritos o algo que valla con la situacion, "game over" quita la "ilusion" de que la atraparon y da a entender que ella save que es un juego. Nose si me di a entender, igual no me hagas mucho caso siempre me tomo muy en serio las cosas XD.
ResponderEliminarPues lo de "togglear" el texto como que no me cuadra, porque es imposible darle gusto a todos, apun si lo hiciera, habría gente que se quejaría por el simple hecho de que está ahí, a pesar de que se puede ocultar. Una cosa en la que no voy a caer, es que el juego lo acabe determinando la gente, como le pusé en la publicación anterior, sólo quería conocer la opinión para ayudarme a escojer, pero no quiere decir que voy a hacer exactamente lo que me digan, el juego es primero para mí, luego para los demás ;)
EliminarSobre lo otro, de hecho esa es la idea, pero más va por el lado de que ya quedó corrompida y acepta a sus nuevos amos (que es uno de mis fetiches, si no me voya a dar gusto a mí, ni chiste de hacer eljuego ;) ).
Claro Uriel, es cierto que no se puede dar gusto a todos, pero se pueden tomar decisiones que den como resultado más gente contenta y menos gente descontenta. Es decir, aquí hay gente que le gusta el texto, gente que no le gusta el texto y gente que se molestaría por tener ese botón u opción de activar/desactivar el texto, si se habilita una opción para activar/desactivar el texto ya estarían conformes más de la mitad de la gente, por eso fue que lo mencione, pero aclaro que es una sugerencia y solo eso, digo esto porque sentí que tomaste mi sugerencia como una orden y pues nada de eso :)
EliminarFinalmente eres tu quien decide y como ya había comentado en la "encuesta" sobre la versión chibi, "tú decides que hacer con tu trabajo y al final lo que realmente importa es que tu estés satisfecho con el resultado".
Nosotros (o por lo menos yo) estamos consientes de que todo lo que decimos aquí son meramente sugerencias y que lo que escribimos puede o no ser tomado en cuenta dependiendo si aplica o no a el juego, a tu carga de trabajo, si es posible aplicarse o no, etc. etc.
Saludos :)
I think the text is ok but maybe it would be fun if it had variance. As in a different text depending on the enemy you lost to, text being related to what the enemy does to you. Kind of like Monster Girl Quest endings, only much shorter.
ResponderEliminarOf course, I didn't meant to have the exact same text for all enemies, the only thing that's gonna be the same is the slogan.
Eliminarthe speech is good as is btw off topic my computer stinks so if you update the graphic please give the option to keep it as is
ResponderEliminarBOOTY WARRIOR!!! ;D