So, recently I got a mail from google:
In the coming weeks, we'll no longer allow blogs that contain sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video. We'll still allow nudity presented in artistic, educational, documentary or scientific contexts, or where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content.
The new policy will take effect on 23 March 2015. After this policy comes into force, Google will restrict access to any blog identified as being in violation of our revised policy. No content will be deleted, but only blog authors and those with whom they have expressly shared the blog will be able to see the content that we've made private.
Our records indicate that your account may be affected by this policy change. Please refrain from creating new content that would violate this policy. We would also ask you to make any necessary changes to your existing blog to comply as soon as possible so that you won't experience any interruptions in service. You may also choose to create an archive of your content via Google Takeout (https://www.google.com/settin gs/takeout/custom/blogger).
For more information, please look here (https://support.google.com/bl ogger?p=policy_update).
Yours sincerely,
The Blogger Team"
So, yeah, this means pretty much I wouldn't be able to post images on new content and the like, and debug the entire blog to remove any not suitable content (which I won't, since I'm lazy as fuck, plus I don't give a shit a bout google), so, I guess I'll be switching to posting on my tumblr, since it's the only place left I can post such content on the internet.
So, as to from March 23th I won't be updating my blog again.You can still follow the progress on my Tumblr account, the last place I have left where I can post whatever I want (while it lasts I guess -_-) here: (EDIT: Kepp in mind I have yet to post something game related to tumblr, I'm only leaving the link now so ppl get acquaintance with the site, I will still keep all game related post to Mondays, so ppl that are interested only on the game know when to look, and ppl interested on my petty draws can get a post any other day, and ppl that care for both won't give a shit)
EDIT: Hold on on the tumblr thing, I was just messing around to organize it to hold both my game and my draws, and I remembered that you have to have an account in order to watch someone's tumblr...Mmm, this is a problem, I really don't want to force ppl to make an account just for that, plus that prevents new ppl to stumble upon it, thus beating the entire purpose to have a page where to upload my shit...I don't think I could make a patreon or the like without pledging any money can I? To where to run...To where to run... :/

That is, if you don't mind having the game updates mixed with my petty drawings.
So, recently I got a mail from google:
"We're writing to tell you about an upcoming change to the Blogger Content Policy that may affect your account.
In the coming weeks, we'll no longer allow blogs that contain sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video. We'll still allow nudity presented in artistic, educational, documentary or scientific contexts, or where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content.
The new policy will take effect on 23 March 2015. After this policy comes into force, Google will restrict access to any blog identified as being in violation of our revised policy. No content will be deleted, but only blog authors and those with whom they have expressly shared the blog will be able to see the content that we've made private.
Our records indicate that your account may be affected by this policy change. Please refrain from creating new content that would violate this policy. We would also ask you to make any necessary changes to your existing blog to comply as soon as possible so that you won't experience any interruptions in service. You may also choose to create an archive of your content via Google Takeout (https://www.google.com/settin
For more information, please look here (https://support.google.com/bl
Yours sincerely,
The Blogger Team"
So, yeah, this means pretty much I wouldn't be able to post images on new content and the like, and debug the entire blog to remove any not suitable content (which I won't, since I'm lazy as fuck, plus I don't give a shit a bout google), so, I guess I'll be switching to posting on my tumblr, since it's the only place left I can post such content on the internet.
So, as to from March 23th I won't be updating my blog again.

That is, if you don't mind having the game updates mixed with my petty drawings.
Pues yo diria que pongas el link antes por que si el dia 23 te cierran el blog justo despues de que pongas el link, no mucha gente va a poder "migrarse" a tu tumblr.
ResponderEliminarCherto, cherto, actualizado.
EliminarYet another casualty in the name of being politically correct.
ResponderEliminarworst part is it aint pc, it's just google getting rid of "undesirables",
Eliminartruly we are misfits among misfits
too sad...
ResponderEliminarThe only reason I made an account here is because of the game you and you're associates made. But, I guess now I'll have to make one on this...Tumblr? hmm, Guess i'll have to give it a shot.
ResponderEliminari created one account on Thumblr just for the game i hope you update it :)
ResponderEliminarI can't see any posts related to the game when there's all those pics to look at all over the page, I just scrolled and well the only way I can easily notice is maybe a mitsuko drawing or something. I'd love to see updates here still though that aren't sexual and add sexual updates on tumblr while I go there to find it, because I really like all your hentai but I am more interested in that game xD I'd do anything for it to arrive sooner, if I was a millionaire, I'd donate $1k and give 5k+ later if it's done as well as I expected or something xD because man, hentai is like a drug to me especially if it's a good hentai game, and you don't see many of those around... too many crappy ones and this is not one of them, just very incomplete T~T and too bad I'm not rich or I'd donate a ton because you deserve it for how far you've gone. the least I can do is advertise your game to friends which is something I've been recommending to several people to try out xD (showed to at least 4 or 5 people on the top of my head.)
ResponderEliminarWell, I still haven't post anything related to the game yet on there, I don't think it would be a problem though, I will still keep the game related posts to mondays so it doesn't break anyone rutine. I thought of the possibility to keep the blog, but it's no use, it became unreliable now, even if I remove any adult pictures, the links to the game and the adult flag will persist, which will eventually lock the blog to private, only the ppl already following could see it, meaning no new ppl, so might as well drop it now.
EliminarWell I guess you're right, this blogger thing is unpopular anyway, you're like the only one I follow since it's a game I like so much xD haven't bothered looking at others or making my own, I really hate google though, they used to be alright but they've become the internet's enemy at this rate, probably since they approve all cultures including soccer moms and their kids, they're removing all what every site used to be and make it worse... first youtube and now this apparently.google is good at nothing but web searching, maps, and making robots apparently lol. but google video before they bought youutube was a failure flop, so they made youtube like that I guess.
EliminarAnyways enough of that, If you're done making posts here, that's fine I suppose, I'll follow your tumblr, you make good hawt pics but I just hope I get to see plenty of news of the game and hopefully very soon maybe a release date for the next demo cx <3
Leave this blog just for Text updates, and upload images on Tumblr.
And here I was, thinking I live in the 21st century. I mean, you can post all sort of disgusting stuff like people being killed in a car accident or being burned alive, but you cant post an image of people having sex. That is just fucked up, seriously. Well, I guess I will have to create a tumblr account (I was avoiding it until now).Fucking censorship
ResponderEliminarNo crea que le moleste a la gente tener que hacer un tumblr para seguirte.
ResponderEliminary ahi puede que encuentres un monton de fanaticos mas.
y para patreon, te lo recomiendo, y si tienes pedo por hacer transacciones gringas te puedo asistir.
No se si habras visto el post que te hice en deviantart, pero ando reclutando gente para mi grupo para hacer y vender juegos.
Se que trabajas con flash, pero tambien tengo los engines de Construct 2, clickteam fusion y gamemaker studio, ya con un poco de tweaking sacamos un trabajo con tu arte y lo podemos vender en moviles y pc.
Nomas es una recomendacion, pero ya llevo varios juegos publicados y el mercado de juegos para adultos esta perfecto ahorita para sacar billete.
El problema con Tumblr, y que no había visto, es que es "privado" si le das a alguien la dirección de un tumblr, y no tienen cuenta, al querer ver dicho tumblr, sólo verán la pantalla de login, que sería lo mismo que cuando blogger inevitablemente bloquee mi blog como privado, sólo gente por invitación podrá entrar, entonces sería lo mismo, por eso mejor no.
EliminarPor lo del Patreon, la única forma que haría una página es si se pudiera que no aceptará dinero, lo cuál dudo mucho, ya que para eso es la dichosa, sí no la había hecho antes, es por eso, nunca me ha gustado eso de "cobrarle" a la gente por algo que aún no está terminado.
Tu mensaje si lo ví en DA, y si mal no recuerdo sí lo contesté: Que ahora muy a duras penas me doy abasto con lo que tengo en mesa como para agregarle más carga.
Any chance u can post me ur link to tublr
ResponderEliminarUrielmanx this part of the email is the most interesting part I find: "No content will be deleted, but only blog authors and those with whom they have expressly shared the blog will be able to see the content that we've made private." I think this just means that if you don't change anything the blog will be set to private except with those it's shared to, they didn't say they would take down the blog permently if continue posting here just if you don't want to get the blog put into private you need to remove and not post any sexual content.
ResponderEliminarAlso man if you do need donations to keep up a patron account I would proudly support you.since you also haven't setup any current way to give you some money for your dedication and hard work, since I know of a lot of other developers that would have quit long ago or haven't but they rarely post more than one in six months about anything. As patron goals could go you could have like get into a possible list of testers, random questions to help with the game and like a poll squad for emergancy decisions if you needed to make the cutscence be CG or flipbook.
Also I took a little peek at your tumblr and you seem to like to post some extra few drawings that I think everyone who liked your christmas present drawing would have liked since I feel it's more detailed and a very nice opening that happened.
Anyway that's just my thoughts on it overall but I haven't looked into each thing that too deeply, well maybe for the exception of looking through all of your tumblr posts (whistles walking away slowly).
I am aware blogger won't shutdown the blog, just make it private, but that's as bad, because it will prevent the blog to show up on searches, and ppl that somehow stumbles on it, will just see the "this blog is private" message, that in turn will be a turn off for many ppl, and will just ignore it or forget about it. I could go and delete all the posts that have sexual things, but the thing is that the links to the actual game will have to remain, otherwise what's the point of having a blog, and that can and will eventually get the blog to private, so I think it's better to leave the ship before it sinks.
EliminarI do not need and want donations, it will only lead to me feeling making the game like a chore instead as a fun thing, since I would have to keep trying to maintain a pace, to make it up for ppl that donate, and that will suck all the fun out of it, trust me. I do not have a donation button for that same reason, so the patreon page is kinda out of the question.
That might be true. Then again, I had the link to my Tumblr since ages ago, so I think anyone who liked it, already checked it out.
Np man, and thanks for the support.
Just giving the support where it's needed and deserved.
EliminarWhy do you care? Is not like you gave us an update in more than 1 year actually 1 year and 6 months later nothing, you are lazy as fuck, just let this project die alredy is obvious you dont want to finish it, heck 1 year and 6 month and still you cant make 1 stage, just 1 in more than a year, Man forget it Give up alredy
ResponderEliminarFlattery won't get you anywhere with me.
EliminarDo not let that asshole get you down, Uriel! Ride this wave of motivation as far as you can, and even if it doesn't pan out, there's always tommorow. I believe in you.
Eliminar*Baking another batch of motivation cakes*
Soooo what now.... ? and this new rule is Sh*T...
ResponderEliminarI don't know, FC could be an option; the only other thing I can think starting the DLsite deal so I get my own dev blog.
EliminarHow hard would it be to grant permission for people to view the blog? Is there a way you could automate it so that you have a bot give permission to people who try to visit?
ResponderEliminarYou might be able to try Newgrounds, there's even an "Artists news," block that periodically gives shouts to artists. But, there's also dealing the Newgrounds people too. I'm one of them, and I think there are Newgrounders that can actually act mature.
ResponderEliminarWhat do you mean with "people need an account"? http://urielmanx7.tumblr.com/ works, and you can use http://urielmanx7.tumblr.com/rss for RSSFeeds.
ResponderEliminarHi, Uriel! How about you try wordpress.com? I'm also following a hentai game maker who uses that site. This is his blogsite: https://toffisama.wordpress.com/ I hope this one works for you, since this game is too awesome, and we have no plans of letting you go just yet!
ResponderEliminarHmm, word press...Didn't even remember that one since toffi is the only one I know that posts there. Right now I'm testing FC2, but it's good to know there's a back up, thanks.
EliminarIsn't FC2 the Japanese site thingy? Well, nonetheless, I hope everything works out for you! We'll be waitin', and we'll always be supportin'. Good luck, Uriel!
ResponderEliminarworks without needing to sign up
Good news everyone!
ResponderEliminarGoogle has backtracked on the ban!