Decided to pick Skyrim again... Big mistake; but anyway, I'm out of it, and it's back to work.
This is the next sketch Horse GoR image, I have a rough idea of what I want to do for the last one, but we'll
see how it looks when I actually do it. After that, when I have all 12 GoR at least in refined sketch form, and happy with how they turned out, I'll do a 12hr stream to finish this shit once and for all, and get rid of excuses and continue with the game migration.
Regarding that, the GM trial ended, (I thought I had it cracked, but honestly I don't remember) so I need to download a cracked version to continue testing it, because I don't like the idea of paying $40 for an app that I might or might not use.
Also, I'm thinking on skipping Unreal altogether, with all the shit Epic has been doing lately, I feel like I don't like to support them in any way shape or form, that includes using their game engine; also recently, I stumbled upon some performance issues with Conan Exiles and Code Vein (garbage game, btw, just another bad DaS clone) in the form of low fps, long load times and stutters, so it makes me think the Unreal engine is not that well optimized; that or Funcom and BandaiNamco don't know how to code games. And some ppl have told me Unity and Unreal aren't optimized for 2D games on top of all that.
Why do I get the feeling I should have stick with Godot? :V

This is the next sketch Horse GoR image, I have a rough idea of what I want to do for the last one, but we'll
see how it looks when I actually do it. After that, when I have all 12 GoR at least in refined sketch form, and happy with how they turned out, I'll do a 12hr stream to finish this shit once and for all, and get rid of excuses and continue with the game migration.
Regarding that, the GM trial ended, (I thought I had it cracked, but honestly I don't remember) so I need to download a cracked version to continue testing it, because I don't like the idea of paying $40 for an app that I might or might not use.
Also, I'm thinking on skipping Unreal altogether, with all the shit Epic has been doing lately, I feel like I don't like to support them in any way shape or form, that includes using their game engine; also recently, I stumbled upon some performance issues with Conan Exiles and Code Vein (garbage game, btw, just another bad DaS clone) in the form of low fps, long load times and stutters, so it makes me think the Unreal engine is not that well optimized; that or Funcom and BandaiNamco don't know how to code games. And some ppl have told me Unity and Unreal aren't optimized for 2D games on top of all that.
Why do I get the feeling I should have stick with Godot? :V
Yeah, I have no idea about dev platforms. I was in the same place, and said fudge it. Then I became a bum. Don't become a bum.
ResponderEliminarA bad decision is better than no decision. Just pick this tool if you feel comfortable about it, don't try to pick the best tool, otherwise you will be testing tools for the next few centuries, because there is ALWAYS a better one.
ResponderEliminarTrust me, I'm an engineer! ;)
I helped program a game with game maker 2. Byful from predation I'm in your discord, It honestly is an easier platform to write code on than unity or unreal. I never had used godot before but I was able to create the PC character within a day (10 hours) of programming with animations, proper combat mechanics, sounds, and a health regen system; aswell as debugging. It's simple to write the code for the instances/scripts, arranging all the sprites and sound files was abit annoying mainly cause their were so many needed to be organized, but the process is simple, and it even includes a internal dictionary to look-up functions. I would definitely recommend.
ResponderEliminarthe only con is that you'll want to compress audio files in the engine. took a 120mb file size into a 15mb file size with around 15 sounds being manually switch from uncompressed over to compressed.
You could try giving LÖVE Game Engine a go. It's specifically formatted to be lightweight, everything's in-engine, and it runs on just about everything. I've been debating switching to it for about three months now. The downside is that you do everything in a text editor, so you can't really test things in real-time. Plus LUA is kind of a wonky language. But hey, just throwing it out there. I've been watching this game for four years, and I'd really like to see it finished.
ResponderEliminarI'm planning on using Godot to make a few simple platformers (by myself, just an amateur here). How do you feel about the engine in general?
ResponderEliminarI have no complaints for it. I enjoyed using the program very much.
EliminarMight help you decide.
Good for you not giving into epic my dude! We need more smart thinkers who know whats up!
ResponderEliminarhey, just use unity.