The current roadmap for the near future is making a grappling animation where the wolfie licks Chibi pussy or nibbles at her breast while she's down. I want the next milestone to have a demo update with somewhat complete wolfies, with their current knock attack, grapple, and snuggle struggle animation; I will probably also remove temporarily the slimy bois since until I add more complexity for them. Also, I figured what I will use the little glowing circle in the HUD, although I feel like I have kinda said this before, it's gonna be used for a new stat: poise.
The way poise will work is, you remember how in the OG game, you lose your clothes first, then you get knocked down, then snuggle struggle, now, the factor that will determine if you get knocked is the poise, if you reach 0 poise, you get down, regardless of clothes. Clothing now will add a bonus to poise; if you're nekked, you'll still have some poise, but it will be very weak, so if you decide to do a nekked challonge run, you won't be knocked by everything.
Also, as stated previously (but if ya'll don't remember I don't blame you), Chibi's arousal will impact your ability to fill the struggle bar. Different from the OG, this time around there's gonna be 2 naughty stats: arousal and lust, arousal will be the primary one, being filled by engaging in sexy activities, every time the arousal bar is maxed out, lust will increase, and then going to factor lust amount when calculating how much the struggle bar fills/empties, the more lust, the harder will be to break free, and, like always, at a certain lust threshold, you won't be able to escape, it will get right to snuggle struggle right away.
Oh, also, did a stream yesterday, go check it out, it will be up for the next week: urielmanx7 -
And also also, again, if you want slightly more quick updates, join the discord, I use it kinda like twitter, where I can just put small quick things, here in the blog just doesn't feel right to post scraps or sketches, so I leave it until I have some more significant.
See you next time.
Bois, poise, ... Noice {^_^}
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