martes, 7 de abril de 2020

Ready for next season.

Ok dudes. The "Urielman does things in the Final Fantasy Randomizer scene" arc is over; I'm ready for a new season and get a move on to back to business. And, I also bring to you, the spoils of war. I learned that you could hack in your own custom sprites, so I got the inspiration juicies going and I made a "few" of them shits. The only thing good that came out of this, it that I got a lot of practice making pixel art. Who knew the resolution from the good'ld nes was the perfect entry point for me. I've always been scared of trying pixel art, because I couldn't figure out where to put the pixels, or how to give the illusion of detail with shading and stuff. But since here I was so limited, finding that "right" spot for each pixel was easy, and let me get a better understand of how this works out. Sorry if the pixels don't look crisp. I did export the file as PNG, but for some reason it wants to smooth the edges.

Entrada destacada

Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....