domingo, 16 de junio de 2013


Actualizando los demos ya que mi estúpidez hizo que se me olvidará desactivar el debug _._
También,se me olvidó mencionar que deben BORRAR SUS ANTIGUOS SALVADOS (si es que tienen) De otro modo no me hago responsable de los bugs que aparezcan; para borrarlos sigan estos pasos:

Para Win7/8 : Ir a C:\Users\"NOMBRE DE LA CUENTA"\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\"LETRAS ALEATORIAS"\localhost Y borrar "mitsuko.sol"

Para WinXp: C:\Documents and Settings\(here goes your session user name)\Data program\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\GZVJV6EU\localhost

So, after all this I forgot to disable the debug >.< *bangs head on a wall* :') Anyway, aside from that I also forget to tell you that YOU NEED TO DELETE YOU PREVIOUS SAVES (If you have any that is), other wise you'll get a bunch of many many bugs; here's how to do it:

For vista/7/8 Users: Go to this location: C:\Users\"HERE GOES YOUR USERNAME"\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\"HERE GOES A RANDOM BUNCH OF LETTERS"\localhost And delete the file "mitsuko.sol"

For Xp users: C:\Documents and Settings\(here goes your session user name)\Data program\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\GZVJV6EU\localhost And delete the file "mitsuko,sol"

If you can't se the above folders, go to your folder options and to the view section, and choose "Show all hidden files and folders"

25 comentarios:

  1. *Dick mode activated* Press right shift to open debug menu.

  2. T^T i can't find the download link anywhere, can you post the link please? (the "DepositFiles" would be best for me because "mega" never works for me and 4shared i don't trust lol)

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. ok i got it to work now (and as soon as mega works DF is up of course XD)

  3. You upload some weird version. Wont work for me.

  4. I have a problem where the game starts up with the debug menu and I can't close it. Any way to fix that? It covers most of the screen. =(

  5. Umm...i have the problem of the upper screen turning black when playing,where i can only see the there a solution to that?

    1. You used the debug menu.

      When you use it, the screen turn to black.

    2. How do i close it? right shift doesnt work...

    3. o nvm...Uriel said in the post above...

  6. I can't help but where's the different to earlier version?

  7. I really liked this release, but I noticed some bugs right away. First, the debug menu(obviously.)Then I noticed the in-game menu would cut out the music whenever I moved the selection up or down. I was eager to see the new animations, so I threw myself at the first wolf I saw, and as soon as I was knocked down a black 'curtain' covered all but the bottom 2 inches or so of my screen, I could only see just obove her knees when she was up. Not even any ass! >:( Although the sex seemed to layer itself above the curtain, it was xtill covering everything up until I picked up a restoration pill in the first save room. I didn't go out to retest, but it only happened in that first area; never in the basement or past the save room. Some time later after almost completing the game I went back up there to run between the two wolves farming gallery cards, when I got knocked down and the curtain came back. Though it only covered down to the bottom of the upper hud.

    As for that debug mode, I think you should keep it in but change it to a key no-one ever uses (like backslash,) and not tell anyone it's there. Have it as something you gotta search the keyboard to find. :D

  8. Ah, shit happens more often when you are being rushed, isn't it?
    So I close my eyes for the most part of it, but what I want to say, is that new voice acting is weird. I'm not saying it's bad or something, it just sounds strange, jumping moans for example sound weird (and not really necessary IMO), and rape sequence moans are overlapping each other and need a couple more samples for a bit of variety. I hope you're not going to leave it like that.

  9. I like having the debug.
    but if next version starts you with a few skill points the it wont be needed

  10. ¯\(^_^)/¯
    praise the Uriel :D
    It plays so much better already, I really like the music and the new voice sounds good to me.
    no bugs to report that arent mentioned already ^^, but the music disable bug in the is kinda annoying ;-)

    p.s. Can you make it somehow that the control setting stay after reopening the game? :> (key settings and quality)

    1. They should be, as long as you save in the first slot, I haven't added a way for the game to remember which slot was used last so it loads the config form that one, so I advice using the first one and no changing configs between files.

  11. The game is fun.
    By the way, what should I do to open the gallery mode?
    I do not hardly.

  12. I downloaded from Depositfiles about 45 minutes ago, and I got SpacEscape_061613.rar, but it was filled with "SpacEscape_wolf_test"s
    I can't leave the first room

    1. 1th i prefer mega, its wothout trouble and captcha and i think its pretty fast.

      So, yes its named "SpacEscape_wolf_test" but this is the new demo, there are some problems currently.
      - you can´t close the debug window which is blocking half of your view
      - if you want to leave the first room go left and jump on the table. Then jump and press attack button at the highest point and after 5 hits the glasplate above you will brake and you can leave
      - but when you engage in sex you will get a black screen (Uriel will upload a fixed version tomorrow, so better wait ^^)

    2. I would have chosen Mega had it been available

  13. I found a way to disable the debug menu
    There are 3 Files that you can open
    the 2 Files will open in your browser with wrong view setting and the Flash Player version has the debug screen
    - Hold and drop the SpacEscape_wolf_test1 - SWF file into the Flashplayer version (into a stand alone flash player) and it works fine

  14. I don't think that the defense stat works too well. Brought mine up to 48 and the slimes do more damage then they did when I had 0 defense

  15. I'm having trouble opening the .Zip files, and all they say when I try to extract or open the file is that I need to put something in them.

    1. Are you using winrar or 7zip to extract the files? Windows default tool is known for causing issues with compressed files.


Entrada destacada

Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....