martes, 26 de julio de 2016


So no stream yesterday. A storm came about, and I didn't want to risk having a power out and losing potential progress, and corrupt the video file for the stream,

Instead, I bring to you the updated version of the Beta. It contains everything from the streams and up to the slime's dialogues (as well as the option to toggle them on and off). So, go ahead, download it, play it, brake it, and report back :P


Without further addo, I'll sign off.

32 comentarios:

  1. Just a few things to start you off. The dialogue is permanently the Horny dialogue no matter what the arousal stage is and it only switch between the "right there" and the "give me your cum" dialogues (this is for every enemy). The golem's animation starts off as the horny animation no matter the arousal level and I also had a bug were the dialogue box from a previous load was still spawned just outside of the save room before the golem. Also, after being knocked down by the golem and raped the ui parts were spread out and out of place as if the zoomed in properly but didn't zoom back out at the end.

    Thanks for the update, I hope there is a work version soon though, the new dialogue really excites me.

    1. I just wanted to add, I cleared out all the old data and started fresh. I'll look around and see if there is a specific setting that might be fucking everything up since it seems to work for others but off the top of my head I can't think of anything specific. I'll keep you posted.

    2. Alright, so I did some more "testing" I found that now the grabs are working properly but all of the dialogue for all enemies are mostly from the wolf's dialogue options. there were a few slime ones but not many. the zooming seems to not happen any more, I thought it may have been due to the quality changing option but I have not been able to reproduce that. The dialogue boxes are also still getting dropped all over the place so I know that is a definite problem. also, out of the wolf dialogue options used, the ones I keep seeing are very limited. Would it be possible to get a complete list of dialogue options so that we could better identify wether we are seeing the correct options or not? Lastly, sometime the turned dialogue will show up while the condition is normal or horny instead. Hope this all helps.

    3. I haven't been able to get UI to stop going poof if that's what you meant by the zooming, but I have noticed the dialog boxes getting left around. Since Uriel made them into a separate UI element so they could be drawn on top of everything else, it seems like there are a few ways to exit a scene that don't result in the dialogue box getting cleared. I found that after returning to the spot I lost at after a game over, the dialogue box was still there. Also things like this.

      The Golem and Horse draw from the dialogue pool used in the previous Beta version, which were already mostly designed for the wolves, and since we didn't get past Normal Sex dialogues for Slimes on the last stream, the later scenes seem to have wolf dialogues copy pasted as placeholders, with a few new Slime oriented ones Uriel wrote on his own mixed in there. It does seem like some lines are getting chosen more often than others, but that may just be bad luck with the RNG. I have been keeping a list of dialogues I made from rewatching the livestreams with vague attributions to who came up with the line, but I haven't checked it against this build, so it is missing the new slime lines as well as the lines that currently play for Horse and Golem. I spent a few minutes trying to keep the struggle meter centred on a wolf grab, and I was seeing a good variety, but if you want to do some more thorough testing, feel free.

  2. Yeah, it seems like things get a bit fucked when you load a save from a previous version. I made a fresh .sol and the only issue I noticed that Digit mentioned was the UI disappearing after any sex anim (except masturbation) starts, but it will reappear after a Loading screen.

    Dialogue seems to work pretty well, the first frame with AAH!WHAT!?N-NO! with the letters all clumped together is always the first to be picked, from Normal to Horny for Slime and Wolf. Might be because the calculations for the bounds to each label happen in the same frame as the default text, so by the time a different dialogue line is chosen 'AAH!WHAT!?N-NO!' is already being displayed. The window expanding animation takes a few frames, and happens before any of the line is displayed; could the calculations be done during those frames?
    The transitions between lines could also be faster, I find that the animation has time to advance on to horny even before the turned cum line is fully displayed.
    The horse only displays the old Turned lines and the Golem the old Horny lines, so I assume this is just because they don't have their own separate clips yet.
    I also noticed a few references to puppies and mr wolfy in the new Slime lines, does that mean you'll accept submissions in the Sexting thread for those positions? :D

    Loading an old .sol was interesting, the controls still worked fine, only issue I could find was that I couldn't be raped. Knocked to the ground just fine, but nothing could trigger a scene after knocking me down, nor could they damage me provided I was naked.
    After testing the new toggles for H-content and Dialogue, I realised that that seems to be exactly what disabling Hentai did, so I assumee it's just that those old saves have a missing 'true' under this new save entry. Indeed after I went and aquired a set of clothes so I could set it back to enabled, the sex scenes worked again. I couldn't get the sex dialogues option to stick though, after closing the options menu and re-opening it would always be back to what it was before. The only way to get it to stay displaying disabled is with an old save, but even then the dialogues still display after Hentai is re-enabled.

    I'll keep playing and poking at it, as well as going through the dialogue lines in case there are any spelling/grammar mistakes. Glad to have the new animations in at least, even if Gallary still displays the old ones :P

  3. For whatever reason, I can't get past the first start screen. It stays on the main menu and the enter key doesn't allow anything past that point. I've pressed every button I can and nothing.

    1. i pressed random keys until the f* keys did something

      i managed to open the options and set up some keybindings

    2. I haven't downloaded the new version yet, but I've come across others that's had a similar problem with the previous version. You may have to find the file Mitsuko.sol and delete it. this is your old saves. Then again, Kanzuke above us says it's tried playing with an old save. Sorry, that's all I got.

    3. I've only tried that with saves made in the 07/Aug/15 version, if your saves are from an even older build, you'll have the same keybind issue and will need to delete the .sol

  4. My borders on the game go off the screen, do you know a way to fix this. I haven't been able to figure it out.

  5. I have a weird error: Enemies can attack me and knock me off, but can't sex me. I'm immortal as long I don't get up.

    This error is consistent everytime I save the game and reload again.

  6. Demo bugs encountered so far:

    -When grabbed, the HUD will hide or dissappear
    -Random dialogues affect everyone else except the wolf (Horse, slime, golem, get random state dialogues)
    -Mitsuko's hair color bug still there
    -When grabbed in Horny state by the golem, it finishes and you suddenly dissapear (You can still hear the change weapon sound, but can't open menu or anything. Golem attacks something that isn't there)

  7. Two bug
    -I saved on new game+ and it freaks out the save menu. you have to delete and reinstall.
    - still can get stuck hanging on a ledge but can face either way while in the hanging animation. It's a bug form the last build you have to close the game out to fix

  8. Same report, when grabbed first time the HUD disappears, it will appear again if you get to a "save point", and disappear again next time gets grabbed.

  9. Forgto to say. Windows 7 + ATI catalyst drivers

  10. Otro pequeño bug detectado. Si terminas la partida (al menos pillada por el lobo), si sales al menu principal, se ven los dialogos en pequeño en la parte baja derecha. Una vez reinicias el juego ya se quitan.

  11. Bug which I dont know how to fix. I cant get the sex scenes to work. They destroy the clothes but it just wont proc.

  12. You need to start a new game, delete your saves, or equip a full set of clothes and go to Options - Enable Hentai.

  13. Hos do you delete all the save files?

  14. every time i finish the game on hard mode with 17/17, i'll reach the end of the credits, be informed i have unlocked easy mode, then asked to save my game. it doesnt matter if i choose yes or no, the game freezes on me. after closing and reopening, easy mode is still locked and attempting to finish hard mode again results in the same freeze. i have uninstalled and reinstalled along with deleting my save and trying it all again only to have it still freeze at the same point and only on hard mode.

    1. Yep, reproducable here too. Which means there is no way to access the gallery unless you kept your older .sol's.

  15. Llego hasta la pantalla de titulo con enter pero luego ninguna tecla me funciona. ¿Alguna manera de solucionarlo :T?

  16. Just a little question, are you unable to get your clothes back?

    1. There's an item drop, but right now the drop chances are a bit unbalanced, you have to grind a bit to get it, depending on RNJesus grants you. It will all be fixed when I get to the mechanics, rebalance, enemy ai, etc.


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Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....