jueves, 11 de agosto de 2016

SpacEscape ver 08/11/16

Fixed the gallery unlock bug, turns out, as usual (-_-') that is was an old bug; or rather a fail on design on my part, since the code that checks for the conditions for the gallery unlock only cares about the slot 1, so if you were playing on another slot, it won't count.
Anyway, it should be fixed now, made it so the game remembers what slot was the last saved on, so that should be taken care of, it also let me add another option to the main menu, "LOAD", that will behave as the old "continue" option, and now, the new CONTINUE will quickly load the last save used, like most games nowadays.

Grab the game HERE

It will also be on the right panel for the lost. Oh, another thing, I changed a bit the suit equip menu so it's more intuitive, I think looks pretty cool.
So now you can unlock the gallery, but it still has the old animations, another slip up on design on my part, mainly to laziness/fear to fight through all the code implied, but I guess this is a better time than ever to address that; that will the focus of the next stream, I know I said masturbation, but I think this takes priority ;P


Ok, so for the ppl that can't use the menu, which is pretty much everybody; you will have to delete your save file in order for the game to set up a new file. I revamped all variables to optimize their use code-wise since version 052715, so old saves won't work; sorry about that.

To delete your save look for MitsukoX.sol in this folder:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects And yes, this is not optional either, I tried to code so that the game creates any new variable I add, but that goes out the window if you insist on using saves created from version 052715 and older. In any case, if the games behaves completely crazy, definitively you need to delete your saves too.

30 comentarios:

  1. I really like your game but i couldn't pass the first scene that says "press the start button" since last version. once i press S or Enter, the square expands and the game freezes with no texts appeared. can anyone help me please?

    1. Sounds like a problem a lot of people have had. I believe it's because of old saved game data. you can find it here:C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\\localhost
      It will be listed as Misuko.sol. Delete or rename this file, you should be able to progress after the main title page now.

  2. Are you serious? The game is more broken than ever. I finished playing through the normal difficulty (it still remembers my saves from other versions, even though I extracted the game in another folder) and now I'm 100% immune to enemy grapples. I could be grabbed during that first playthrough, but now there's just no way. I tried loading a previous save, no deal. I can't even start a new game on another difficulty but "normal" for some reason. I got all the items, defeated all the enemies, did everything as I always do.
    Also, I know development is slow and all, but please tell me that there's more to this release after a year of waiting other than a gallery bug fix...

    1. Your saved games haven't moved, even though the game it's self has been extracted elsewhere. You may have to delete or rename your old save it is here: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\\localhost

      It will appear as Mitsuko/sol. delete, or rename this file. everything should be back to normal.

    2. See Uriel's Edit, or half the comments made in the last few months. Your saves were created with a game now at least four versions old, and the new features and restructuring require changes to how the save data is stored.

      This release is also an incremental update, just as the two before it have been, so you may want to read those release posts to see what else has been added and what the known issues are. The grapple immunity was discovered in V.160725, and is caused by the new options to disable H-content requiring new save variables. You won't be able to progress from normal with old saves either as Uriel changed how the game saves your progress through each difficulty in this update.

      This update against last years versions does include new and redone animations, a new dialogue system, fixes to the Golem battle, some new UI stuff and plenty of bug fixes. There are still a number of bugs, but Uriel is killing a couple every week on stream

  3. There appears to be no download when I attempt to download the game through Mega.

  4. I deleted the save which allowed me to select new game but when it comes to select difficulty I can'T get past that.

    1. I am having the exact same problem

    2. Okay, just fixed it by running the old version once and staring a new game in that version and then running the other one. Nothing's gone wrong so far this way.

  5. Cannot start other than normal game after normal game ends.

  6. I got a bug report, the NEW GAME+ button seemed to showed up when i started even though i have no saves. everything seemed fine, but after I beat the game, NEW GAME+ button disappeared and i can't choose a different difficulty when I hit new game. I even have the main save on the first slot

    1. Confirmed and fixed, will be uploading fixed version shortly.

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  8. alrigth this is annoying, i played it before but i was stuck at hard after that there was no way to get easy unlocked then it bugged and i couldnt saved at all, now is different i erased the saved file and everything else and donwloaded it again and even after completing normal several times i cant get hard unlocked at all

  9. pressing A while the game is loading causes an extra loading screen to appear; which triggers you not able to attack.

    1. Yep, I noted that while fixing the bug that don't let you choose hard, both are fixed, will be in next version.

  10. i cant even play the game. i get the "new game" then i can choose "easy, med, hard" but then nothing happens how is that posible?

  11. Can't pick a difficulty either; I can go back to the menu but I just can't choose a difficulty.

  12. have 2 bugs to report

    1: The End screen doesn't let me pick the option to load

    2: Golem boss is bugged, cant hit him at all, no music, and isnt colored in anymore

  13. Ya cant pick difficulty, this game is bugged as fuck now.

  14. also, if you get nude then there are no more clothes to get in control rooms or as drops and the ame disables hentai mode.

  15. The wolf animation should've stayed how it was... the missionary position was amazing, and nice... now the first scene is replaced with a blow job... how lame. ... I hop e that makes it back in somehow, I don't want ot have to wait for a blowjob to get to the good stuff with the wolf, only to soon see that be replaced with the missionary position's third stage which is.. frankly unappealing :c

  16. I do must apologize when I ask but why the change from keyboard controls to an actual game controller? I think that change is a highly repetitive hence that this game is more likely a PC game. I am not saying this as something you must do but I do would like to suggest of going back to having the keyboard as the controller again.

  17. The file you are trying to download is no longer available

  18. You should update the links on the side they are very out dated and any one just looking at your first post will get those instead of the latest version. Also if you are going to take a version down/It gets taken down maybe let people know you are working on it so they don't just keep saying download link doesn't work. Not trying to sound rude with this just saying a couple things I've noticed

    1. odd it seemed to switch a couple words around and toss in random caps so will get those instead of the latest version is what i meant to say


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Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....