domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016


So, earlier today I open the game to continue investigating this issue, and all of a suddenly everything was fine again, and to be honest I'm not sure I'm happy with that, because I'm now more paranoid about it, if it's gonna be random like that, maybe when it happened the file didn't open properly? I don't know, this never happened before, I'll try setting flash to run in win 7 compatibility mode and wait a couple days to see it the glitching happens again.

17 comentarios:

  1. PCs are like women, sometimes they do random shit you don't understand, and act like nothing happend.

  2. Ah random failures are very sucky. I don't like them either, I like it when something bad happens to me, an it's consistent. I'd say you'd be right to be paranoid, just be sure to back your data! I'd hate for everything to be lost.

  3. Well, I visit your blog long time enough to know that the World of Flash is mysterous enough for that to just be some werdness that happened.

  4. About bugs, does anyone know how to start the game? Since many versions I have been unable to start a game, the game itself "runs", I can go to options and mess with them, see the tutorial info, etc, but I can't load (since I don't have a save) and when selecting the difficulty setting it does nothing.
    As stated above, I don't have a save, I used to, but since UrielManX7 told as to erase it I did, it still keeps not working, furthermore I recently formatted my computer so THERE IS NO SAVE nor trace that there was ever one. If you could help I'd be grateful. Thanks in advance.
    Keep up the good work UrielManX7.

    1. You are limited to normal difficulty. trying to select any other difficulty will just net you an error buzz.

    2. I know, but the button for normal does nothing

    3. I had a same problem, I could go into the options just fine, I just could not get the game to actually start when I clicked in normal difficulty. All I did was restart the game without fiddling with the options, I went straight to selecting normal, and it worked fine.

    4. Nope, it still didn't work, but thanks for answering.

    5. Try changing the directory where you keep the game. I had the same issue, and despite deleting every known cache, i had the problem with nothing starting as with the corrupt save problem. Then as a last mesure, i changed the directory, because i remembered, that some flash cache only works if the location is the same. And that seems to have solved it.

  5. As a programer, here is my advice: if something weird happens for the first time, no stress. Retry, reboot, maybe reinstall, whatever. Care about it only if it reproduces after that. If it does not, it might just be a matter of bad luck. It can happen, but bugs which cannot be reproduced are not worth the time spent on them, so never care about the first, only after the second.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Just anon here, in case you read it, a suggestion. Try sharing with some people (like 2 or 3) you trust to try to run it and see how it turns out, if the same glitches happen or not.

  8. Honestly, I would just back it up a couple of times and try to recreate the bug if you cannot recreate it it was just that a bug. a glitch that only happened once. Take Sazaju's words to heart he is completely right on this one.

  9. Respuestas
    1. Yeah! Screw your well being or the fact you may be busy because of the holydays! We want our free porn game now!


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Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....