Seeing how the leap attack of the wolf broke, I think I'll take this opportunity to rewrite the enemy ai, so I can easily add attack patterns and abilities, that will actually be different depending on the difficulty.
What attacks you do think would be good to add so the fights are fun? So far I was thinking on making them like in Dragons Dogma or DaS, where the keep their distance and dodge and shit, also I might change or add a leap attack that just passes through you but strips you of a chunk of your clothes (In the final game there will be progressive cloth damage).
On another note, if any of you would want to kick my ass and vent some frustration of me not working on the game; I've been playing For Honor (PC) a bunch lately, you can add me if you want. (I've had the same nickname since 2002, guess what it is)
What attacks you do think would be good to add so the fights are fun? So far I was thinking on making them like in Dragons Dogma or DaS, where the keep their distance and dodge and shit, also I might change or add a leap attack that just passes through you but strips you of a chunk of your clothes (In the final game there will be progressive cloth damage).
On another note, if any of you would want to kick my ass and vent some frustration of me not working on the game; I've been playing For Honor (PC) a bunch lately, you can add me if you want. (I've had the same nickname since 2002, guess what it is)