viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

SpacEscape Commission!

Eh. Can you believe it? Someone actually commissioned me to draw Mitsuko.

This is what I was talking about in the previous post; kinda game related, but unrelated at the same time.


18 comentarios:

  1. hahaha nice one! this makes me miss mitsuko though :C
    any news on the next build?

  2. All this wait and we get a butt load (pun intended) of quality free porn of Mitsuko. Stonking great update if you think about it and low key awesome. The art is exactly what I'd expect it to be, the ever evolving style of the wolf looks great, and Mitsuko and different kinds of equal yes.

    If you're still waiting on updates to the actual game, realizing it's been paused because there are bugs people suffer and complain about and they are being -fixed- That's a -good- thing, and consider the quality and consistancy of this "comic" that we get for free as an indication to the quality of the updates to come. Patience. If you can't be patient, then stop waiting. You can't force rainbows.

    1. Also, what about her -exiting- a vent, ie face first?

    2. The fuck are you talking about? There hasn't been a decent sized content update to this game in years. Kiss as much ass as you want, nothing is ever going to come out of it. This game is dead in the water mate.

    3. Why are you so angry and abrasive?

    4. While I agree with Anonimo, there was no reason to be that aggressive.

      Regardless, I wouldn't really call this a "butt load (pun intended) of quality free porn," either. Sure, it's quality, but there's a distinct lack of quantity that ruins the entirety of it.

  3. Wow amazing you gana countinue it?

  4. Hey I just shared the download link with a friend and she reported almost immediately after opening the game that she was recieving alerts for malware, I request you scrub the files down immediately before realeasing any more updates.
    Thank you for your time,
    -An interested individual.

  5. Too bad that this game is dead. It had soooo much potential and was in my opinion one of the best RoR games

  6. That is a nice looking wolf, having his fun with her. Hopefully we'll see the next update to the game to relive this kind of scene for ourselves.

    1. UrielManX718 de julio de 2017, 23:02
      yep, dead as fuck.

      I don't think we're seeing a "next update."

    2. I'm well aware. I, too, was being ironic. Check the front page, he changed the what-he's-working-on panel thing.

  7. Hey, Do you accept pre-orders for the game?

  8. Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking. 3d games

  9. I like this game . Please dont leave it behind


Entrada destacada

Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....