martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Report#Running out of time

Not much to update today, I've been busy working on the dialogues that will be in the intro, but I'm still on it, setting it up to work in xml format, hopeful with a nice typewritter effect; we'll see.
Still, we are past mid month, so, yeah, deadline is approaching fast...damn deadlines; are you guys excited? Because I'm not -_-


12 comentarios:

  1. Uriel 2 Weeks more ore less won't change anything, take your time ;)

  2. I'm a long time lurker and decided to finally make a account. Looking at all the progress since last year at around July has been very exciting. I hope this all becomes great in the end.

  3. deadlines are what people who work in the game industry will always have to deal with.

  4. Can't wait
    been waiting for this.......

    every Monday i check the blog for updates..........

  5. Without new level, enemy, weapon... No, we aren't.

  6. Hey man any update is a good update.

  7. Is the beta linked on the right part of the website the actual latest version? I see many versions in flash game websites

    1. Those are very old versions, the most recent ones up to this one can't be played on a browser.

  8. я тоже делаю игры для двух сайтав уменя игры провериные игры се идут

  9. я тоже делаю игры для двух сайтав уменя игры провериные игры се идут


Entrada destacada

Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....