martes, 2 de julio de 2019

Current Check list


I thought of dropping by and letting you know what is currently going on.

In terms of the game maker test.

I actually have already watched the first tutorial on making a platformer, not too long ago after I finished the space shooter one. The problem was, that the tutorial I watched, seemed like the guy did it very simple (it was about movement, jump and collision, gravity, that sort of thing), for the sake of the tutorial, and that fired up red lights in my head, because that's exactly how I started SpacEscape, making it to just work, not necessarily the best way, and look how many problems that caused over the years. So I tried to search for other ones, but I couldn't find any that were current, all were years old, which I guess means that either nothing added on GM2 changed the way you code the physics significantly, or it doesn't really matter, since there's no "right" way to do it, since each game has its own feel on it, so.

Anyway, long story short, I left that in the back burner because of that, but I guess I will jsut bite the bullet and go with it.

Regarding the flash game.

Now that the hairstyle crisis is over, I'm ready to start remaking the CG for the end credits, and finish the GoR ones. Which I started the other day. Probably should stream that huh? :V
As for the Ending ones, I'm debating between using Chibitsuko for those or not.

And lastly, for a more technical description:

To Do List: (In no particular order or priority)

  • Finish upgrading the sprites/animation of Chibitsuko for the test game to better color and shading.
  • Continue making animations/assets for the Chibitsuko.
  • Update hairstyles of Flash assets for both Mitsukos
  • Do the CG for the end credits (Flash game)
  • Finish GoR images (Flash game)
  • Continue the GM tutorial learning
  • Add the old CG's as unlockables for the Flash game
  • Debug the shit to ensuere it works.
  • Finish anything else left so I can put to rest the Flash version.
  • Stop wishy washy and settle down on the design and flow, etc, etc, so I can continue making the Haruhi dress up game-thingy.
  • And obviously, test Unity and Unreal, choose an engine and start the real SpacEscape :V

List is not big, but don't let that fool you, each bullet point is worth months of work, so.

Well, I guess that's all for now.
Stream this Saturday, either work on the CG's or actually coding the thing sfrom the GM tutorial in the test file I started.

3 comentarios:

  1. Wish I could test the chibitsuko one, something about my graphics card not being able to support the game. But don't let that get in your way, I have a 9 year old toaster, so I don't think I'd have a really good standard for stress testing or anything really.

  2. I'm going to go ahead and ask: "What were you expecting from a tutorial?"
    There are many tutorials about how to do things in Game Maker, but no one tutorial can give you the "right" way to do things, considering all the many things that can be put on a platformer. Then again, I guess that's true for anything.
    As for the thing about GMS2, yeah, the changes between GMS1 and GMS2 were more on the internals side, with an extra pinch of changing very few things (instancing objects and the 3D system come to mind as the only code changes)
    If you need any more clarification or anything about GMS2, I'm in your Discord server, send me a direct message and ask away.

    1. And I just realized how "sassy" and "know it all" I sound there. Wow.
      Anyway, what I really meant there is more along the lines of yeah, there are tutorials for all languages that give solutions that kinda just work, and there's always a "right-er" way to go about stuff. Not knowing what tutorial you checked out means I can't tell you if it was a general tutorial or a "better" tutorial, but I guess I was also harping on about the generalist way tutorials go for because of the fact they're teaching some specific thing that people can use somehow else later.


Entrada destacada

Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....