viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Report#Well, that didn't last too long was it?

"Just three days after banning explicit sexual content on Blogger, Google has given in to pressure from porn fans who were less than thrilled about the new policy. The Web giant on Friday announced that it has changed its mind and will not crack down on adult content on its blogging platform, after all."

Full article: Porn Lovers Win: Blogger Ban on Adult Content Reversed

9 comentarios:

  1. Lol we shall invade the world with cute yummy bubble butts and fat cocks! xD

  2. Porn forever! Well the ones that is legal and isn't like really sick.....But still as long as people have to have sex porn will porn at a time?

  3. well was quite obvious in the end blogger makes money from ppl using it and will not be fun if he loose 75% of its income -_-

  4. They shouldn't call it pr0n, they should call it sexy time or sexy stuff, then they'd have to say "We're banning all sexy stuff!" and perhaps sense strikes them on what they're trying to do. =P

  5. But there is no game updates still...

  6. Ha! Never underestimate the valiant calls for porn!

  7. Heh, this is so funny to come across. Amazing that they'd back off on such a policy because they realize half their population on the site is porn game creators. In fact, the only blogs I follow on here are all porn games. Way to go Google.


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