martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Streaming Shcedule

So the field test that I did last Sunday wasn't a complete disaster as I expected, so let's do the real thing now.

Ok, so at least for now, let's do weekly streams on SUNDAYS 10:00pm UTC-6
As always, go here ( to find the hour in your time zone, hopefully it's an ok time for most ppl. Feel free to voice it out if you think another time/day is better, though oddly enough, I can't do Saturdays.

Starting this Sunday, of course, I'll work on the wolf's rape animations, hopefully I will be able to finish them once and for all :P

This is the channel's link:  

8 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. Sundays 10:00pm UTC-6. Damn, I wish it was am, sunday 10:00pm is monday 5:00am CET, so no luck for me :(

  2. Same for me here, it is 5:00am on monday xD
    Is it maybe possible to record the stream so others can watch it later ?

  3. Same for me here, it is 5:00am on monday xD
    Is it maybe possible to record the stream so others can watch it later ?

    1. That would be awesome, I dont know much about picarto, but allows you to watch older streams if the streamer recorded it. Maybe picarto has the same function?

    2. It does, but I have to be premium.

  4. I wonder, is most here european? because then that would be an issue with time, I doubt most are european though, I am, and as the others, it would be 5:00 am on monday

  5. Exactly the same for me, actually. {'^_^}
    I put it in my agend thinking it was AM but... too bad.


Entrada destacada

Chibi SpacEscape Road Map

I'm gonna pin this post here to let you know what's to come, what I'm currently working on, and what will the next version have....